郭登瀚 年四十岁。生于天津。兄秀生。业盐商。已婚。子一女三。初学于北洋大学。光緖三十三年。以官费游美。入哈佛大学。习经济学。宣统二年。得学士学位。是年回国。任津浦铁路英文书记。民国三年。任该路会计科科长。现时住址。天津三马路北头。
kuo, thomas h.-born in tientsin, 1877. married, 1897. studied at peiyang university, tientsin, 1898-1907. arrived in america, september, 1907. government support. studied political economy at harvard university, 1907-10. b.a., 1910. returned to china, november, 1910. english secretary, tientsin-pukow railway, tientsin, 1911-14. superinten-dent. accounts division, tientsin-pukow railway, 1914 to date.