郭健霄 字健霄。年二十九岁。广东潮阳籍。生于镇江。父曜东。业糖商。永久通信处。江苏镇江鸿春糖行。已婚。初学于上海中西书院。圣约翰书院。震旦学院。及复旦公学。任广州时敏学堂。及陕西宏道高等学堂教员。光緖三十四年。自费游美。入威斯康心大学。习经济学。宣统元年。入印第安大学。宣统二年回国。任四某川高等学堂教员。宣统三年。任广东水师提督总翻译。广东北伐军秘书。兼参谋及交通司长。民国元年。授职陆军上校。任南京留守府第四军工兵司长。民国五年。任上海南洋烟草公司工厂主任。现时通信处。上海克明路源兴里二号。
kwauk, jean-shaw.-born in chinkiang, kiangsu, 1888. mar-ried, 1912. studied at anglo-chinese college, shanghai, 1898-1900; at st. john's university, shanghai, 1903; at aurora and fu tan colleges, shang-hai, 1904-8. graduated from fu tan college, 1908. teacher: shih-min school, canton, 1903-4; hung dou college, shensi, 1906-7. arrived in america, september, 1908. private support. studied economics at the uni-versity of wisconsin, 1908-9; at the university of indiana, 1909-10. re-turned to china, july, 1910. teacher of a high school in szechuen, 1910-11. secretary and translator, admiralty at canton, 1911. secretary to the general staff, kwangtung republican army, 1911-12. chief, transporting and engineering department, the fourth army corps, 1912. given the rank of colonel, 1912. superintendent, nanyang tobacco co. factory, shanghai, 1916.