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Mark Mason's Victory
The speaker was a man of middle age, with a thin face and a nose like a Hawk. He was well dressed, and across his vest was visible a showy gold chain with a cameo charm attached to it.
Mark the Match Boy or Richard Hunter's Ward
"Mark, the Match Boy," is the third volume of the "Ragged Dick Series," and, like its predecessors, aims to describe a special phase of street life in New York. Wh
Paul the Peddler
The speaker, a boy of fourteen, stood in front of the shabby brick building, on Nassau street, which has served for many years as the New York post office. In front of him, as he stood with his back
Herbert Carter's Legacy
Horatio Alger, Jr., an author who lived among and for boys and himself remained a boy in heart and association till death, was born at Revere, Mass., January 13, 1834. He was the son of a clergyman;
Ragged Dick
"Ragged Dick" was contributed as a serial story to the pages of the Schoolmate, a well-known juvenile magazine, during the year 1867. While in course of publication, it was received
Helping Himself
“I wish we were not so terribly poor, Grant,” said Mrs. Thornton, in a discouraged tone.
Only An Irish Boy Andy Burke's Fortunes
The speaker was a boy of fifteen, handsomely dressed, and, to judge from his air and tone, a person of considerable consequence, in his own opinion, at least. The person addressed was employed in the
Windmills and wooden shoes
In “Windmills and Wooden Shoes” we have a continuous story of the doings of the Dutch children, Jan and Katrina and their little friends.
Paul Prescott's Charge
The speaker was a tall, pompous-looking man, whose age appeared to verge close upon fifty. He was sitting bolt upright in a high-backed chair, and looked as if it would be quite impossible to deviate
Ralph Raymond's Heir
A man of middle age, muffled up in an overcoat, got out of a Third Avenue car, just opposite a small drug shop. Quickly glancing up and down the street with a furtive look, as if he wished to avoid r
The Works of Thomas Hood
“DO you see that ’ere gentleman in the buggy, with the clipt un?” enquired Ned Stocker, as he pointed with his whip at a chaise, some fifty yards in advance. “
Nelson The Newsboy Or, Afloat in New York
"Nelson the Newsboy" relates the adventures of a wide-awake lad in the great metropolis. The youth is of unknown parentage and is thrown out upon his own resources at a tender age.
This Way to Christmas
I wonder if you know that stories have a way of beginning themselves? Sometimes they even do more than this. They tell themselves—beginning and ending just where they please—with
The Boy from Green Ginger Land
‘Emmeline, it’s your turn to choose a game to-day. What story shall we do?’ ‘No, Micky; it’s your turn,’ put in his twin sister Kitty. &
Phil the Fiddler
Among the most interesting and picturesque classes of street children in New York are the young Italian musicians, who wander about our streets with harps, violins, or tambourines, playing wherever t