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The Young Miner or Tom Nelson in California
A dozen men, provided with rockers, were busily engaged in gathering and washing dirt, mingled with gold-dust, on the banks of a small stream in California. It was in the early days, and this party w
The Brown Fairy Book
Andrew Lang's Fairy Books constitute a twelve-book series of fairy tale collections. Although Andrew Lang did not collect the stories himself from the oral tradition, the extent of his sources, who h
Grit or The Young Boatman of Pine Point
The speaker was a sturdy, thick-set boy of fifteen, rather short for his age, but strongly made. His eyes were clear and bright, his expression was pleasant, and his face attractive, but even a super
Making His Way Frank Courtney's Struggle Upward
Two boys were walking in the campus of the Bridgeville Academy. They were apparently of about the same age—somewhere from fifteen to sixteen—but there was a considerable differenc
North Cornwall Fairies and Legends
The tales contained in this little volume of North Cornwall fairy stories, by Enys Tregarthen, are either founded on folk-lore or they are folk-lore pure and simple.
Tony The Tramp;Or Right is Might
A man and a boy were ascending a steep street in a country town in eastern New York. The man was tall and dark-complexioned, with a sinister look which of itself excited distrust. He wore a slouch ha
爱丽斯漫游仙境 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)是英国作家查尔斯·路德维希·道奇森以笔名路易斯·卡罗尔于1865年出版的儿童文学作品。故事叙述一个名叫爱丽丝的女孩从兔子洞进入一处神奇国度,遇到许多会讲话的生物以及像人一般活动的纸牌,最后发现原来是一场梦。这童话自1865年出版以来,一直深受不同
Fantastic Fables
这本独特的书是由245个“绮丽的寓言”组成,每一个都是Bierce通过犀利的洞察力对贪婪的政客,不那么神圣的圣人,立法会议员,医生,法官和外交官等人观察与评判的经典之作。许多人喜欢读长故事,但是真正的寓言风格,譬如Bierce的作品,他拟人拟物,以及观念,甚至产生如Patagascar Pahdour与Madagonia Gookul一样属于自己的特点。
A Year in a Yawl
In the shadow of a big apple tree four boys lay on the grass studying a map of the United States. One of the group was talking vehemently and pointing out a route of some sort with a stubby carpenter
Frank's Campaign or the Farm and the Camp
The Town Hall in Rossville stands on a moderate elevation overlooking the principal street. It is generally open only when a meeting has been called by the Selectmen to transact town business, or occ
Making His Mark
Mrs. Lane was a thin woman, rather above the usual height, with a prominent nose and thin lips. It was easy to see that she was not Gerald's mother. He was a strong, well-made boy, with red cheeks an
Helen Ford
Not many minutes walk from Broadway, situated on one of the cross streets intersecting the great thoroughfare, is a large building not especially inviting in its aspect, used as a lodging and boardin
Little Prince小王子
我请孩子们原谅我把这本书献给了一个大人。我有一个很重要的理由:这个大人是我在世界上最好的朋友。我还有另一个理由:这个大人他什么都能懂,甚至给孩子 们写的书他也能懂。我的第三个理由是:这个大人住在法国,他在那里挨饿、受冻。他很需要安慰。如果这些理由还不够的话,那么我愿意把这本书献给儿童时代的 这个大人。所有的大人都曾经是孩子。(可惜,只有很少的一些大人记得这一点。)因此,我就把献词改为:<s
From Canal Boy to President
The present series of volumes has been undertaken with the view of supplying the want of a class of books for children, of a vigorous, manly tone, combined with a plain and concise mode of narration.
A Christmas Snowflake: A Rhyme for Children