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A House of Pomegranates石榴之家
It was the night before the day fixed for his coronation, and the young King was sitting alone in his beautiful chamber. His courtiers had all taken their leave of him, bowing their heads to the grou
A Boy's Fortune
"Wake up there! This is no place to sleep." The speaker was a policeman, the scene was City Hall Park, and the person addressed was a boy of perhaps sixteen, who was reclining on on
Tom Temple's Career
Some people might object to turning even a part of their dwellings into a business office, but then it saved rent, and Mr. Middleton was one of the saving kind. He had always been saving from the fir
The Young Musician or, Fighting His Way
“As for the boy,” said Squire Pope, with his usual autocratic air, “I shall place him in the poorhouse.” “But, Benjamin,” said gentle Mrs.
All The People
Anthony Trotz went first to the politician, Mike Delado. "How many people do you know, Mr. Delado?"
The Young Outlaw or, Adrift in the Streets
"The Young Outlaw" is the sixth volume of the Tattered Tom Series, and the twelfth of the stories which are wholly or mainly devoted to street-life in New York. The story carries it
A Cousin's Conspiracy
On the edge of a prairie, in western Iowa, thirty years ago, stood a cabin, covering quite a little ground, but only one story high. It was humble enough, but not more so than the early homes of some
Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and other stories
It was Lady Windermere’s last reception before Easter, and Bentinck House was even more crowded than usual. Six Cabinet Ministers had come on from the Speaker’s Levée i
A Debt of Honor
Our story opens in a cabin among the foothills of Colorado. It was built of logs, and was not over twelve feet in height. In the center was a door, with a small window on each side. Through the roof
Timothy Crump's Ward A Story of American Life
IT was drawing towards the close of the last day of the year. A few hours more, and 1836 would be no more. It was a cold day. There was no snow on the ground, but it was frozen into stiff ridges, mak
Doctor Rabbit and Tom Wildcat
Rap! rap! rap! It was past midnight and some one was knocking on Doctor Rabbit’s door. Doctor Rabbit growled a little, for he did not like to be wakened that time of night even if he was a
South-African Folk-Tales
In presenting these stories, which are of deep interest and value to South Africans, I hope they may prove of some value to those Americans who have either an interest in animals or who appreciate th
It was one of those afternoons in late April which are as mild and balmy as any June day. The air was full of the chirps and twitters of nest-building birds, and of sweet indefinable odors from half-
Miscellaneous Aphorisms; The Soul of Man
The mystery of love is greater than the mystery of death.
Adrift in New York
“Uncle, you are not looking well to-night.”