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Brave and Bold
The main schoolroom in the Millville Academy was brilliantly lighted, and the various desks were occupied by boys and girls of different ages from ten to eighteen, all busily writing under the genera
Bertha's Christmas Vision: An Autumn Sheaf
Of all the houses which Martin Kendrick owned, he used the oldest and meanest for his own habitation. It was an old tumble-down building, on a narrow street, which had already lived out more than its
The Nursery Alice
I have reason to believe that “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” has been read by some hundreds of English Children, aged from Five to Fifteen: also by Children, aged fr
Ben, the Luggage Boy; or, Among the Wharves
In presenting "Ben, the Luggage Boy," to the public, as the fifth of the Ragged Dick Series, the author desires to say that it is in all essential points a true history; the particu
Grimms' Fairy Tales
A certain king had a beautiful garden, and in the garden stood a tree which bore golden apples. These apples were always counted, and about the time when they began to grow ripe it was found that eve
The Train Boy
The four o'clock afternoon train from Milwaukee, bound for Chicago, had just passed Truesdell, when the train boy passed through the cars with a pile of magazines under his arm.
The Importance of Being Earnest
Morning-room in Algernon’s flat in Half-Moon Street. The room is luxuriously and artistically furnished. The sound of a piano is heard in the adjoining room.
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
"The Tale of Peter Rabbit" first appeared in 1902 and made its author, Beatrix Potter, a household name. This special gift edition, a replica of the very first edition of the book,
Bob Burton or The Young Ranchman of the Missouri
Clip, as may be inferred, was a negro boy, now turned of fourteen, who for four years had been attached to the service of Richard Burton, a ranchman, whose farm lay on a small stream tributary to the
Adventures of a Telegraph Boy or 'Number 91'
On Broadway, not far from the St. Nicholas Hotel, is an office of the American District Telegraph. Let us enter. A part of the office is railed off, within which the superintendent has a desk, and re
Bernard Brooks' Adventures
You’re a bad lot, Bernard Brooks. I don’t think I ever knew a wuss boy.” “Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Snowdon. Let me suggest, however, that wuss is hard
The Young Adventurer
"I wish I could pay off the mortgage on my farm," said Mark Nelson soberly, taking his seat on the left of the fireplace, in the room where his wife and family were assembled.
Ben's Nugget A Boy's Search For Fortune
"Ben's Nugget" is the concluding volume of the Pacific Series. Though it is complete in itself, and may be read independently, the chief characters introduced will be recognized as
Andy Gordon The Fortunes of A Young Janitor
The Hamilton Academy, under the charge of Rev. Dr. Euclid, stands on an eminence about ten rods back from the street, in the town of the same name. It is a two-story building, surmounted by a cupola,
The Young Bank Messenger
Just on the edge of the prairie, in western Iowa, some thirty years since, stood a cabin covering quite a little ground, but only one story high. It was humble enough as a home, but not more so than