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The Song of the Lark
It is the second part of a thematic trilogy by Cather which tells stories of women in the emerging prairies of the American West. The trilogy is considered to be some of Cather’s finest wor
The Adventures of Elizabeth in Rügen
Every one who has been to school and still remembers what he was taught there, knows that Rügen is the biggest island Germany possesses, and that it lies in the Baltic Sea off the coast of P
The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe is a novel by Daniel Defoe, first published in 1719.
His Little Royal Highness
All this had happened only last week, and now Reginald lay on a hospital cot in his own little room in the cottage, and Harry and Nan were waiting on the porch till the doctor should come out and the
Tales of a Traveller
Tales of a Traveller, by Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. (1824) is a collection of essays and short stories composed by Washington Irving while he was living in Europe, primarily in Germany and Paris.
Doctor Birch and His Young Friends
Prince! Many a pleasant night we have smoked in the Doctor's harness-room, whither we retired when our boys were gone to bed, and our cares and canes put by.
The Hollow Earth
Cranks are appliances to turn things round.
The Jimmyjohn Boss and Other Stories吉米约翰老板的故事
To Messrs. Harper & Bothers and Henry Mills Alden whose friendliness and fair dealing I am glad of this chance to record
My First Summer in the Sierra
The total height of the three falls is 2600 feet. The upper fall is about 1600 feet, and the lower about 400 feet. Mr. Muir was probably the only man who ever looked down into the heart of the fall f
The Pride of Eve
James Canterton was camping out in the rosery under the shade of a white tent umbrella.
The Companions of Jehu双雄记
The Companions of Jehu were formed in the Lyon region of France in April 1795 to hunt down Jacobins implicated in the Reign of Terror. It is possible that they were founded by The Marquis de Besignan
The Ways of Men
“I have not lacked thy mild reproof,Nor golden largess of thy praise.”
A Little Book of Profitable Tales
Once upon a time the forest was in a great commotion.
Martin Valliant
Warwick Deeping的一部经典小说。
The Flower of the Chapdelaines
The Flower of the Chapdelaines Hardcover – May 26, 2017 by George Washington Cable