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Peggy in Toyland
Peggy was just eight years old. She had very long rather straight hair, blue eyes, a dear little pudgy nose, and a small mouth. She lived with her father and mother in a nice house in the country wit
The sad curlews, annunciators of the autumn, had just appeared in a mass in a gray squall, fleeing from the high sea under the threat of approaching tempests.
The Rambler club in the mountains
In pursuance of his intention to write stories full of lively, wholesome adventure for boys, the author presents "The Rambler Club in the Mountains," following "The Rambler
Lords of the North
Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand nine hundred, by William Briggs, at the Department of Agriculture.
The Beautiful Lady
‎"The Beautiful Lady", is another of the short novels from Booth Tarkington's early career.Nothing could have been more painful to my sensitiveness than to occupy myself, co
Mr. Munchausen15章节
Being a True Account of Some of the Recent Adventures beyond the Styx of the Late Hieronymus Carl Friedrich, Sometime Baron Munchausen of Bodenwerder
The Magnificent Adventure
Being the Story of the World's Greatest Exploration and the Romance of a Very Gallant Gentleman
Tempest and Sunshine
It was the afternoon of a bright October day. The old town clock had just tolled the hour of four, when the Lexington and Frankfort daily stage was heard rattling over the stony pavement in the small
Mary Derwent
a tale of Wyoming and Mohawk Valleys in 1778
Where Angels Fear to Tread天使不敢涉足的地方
Where Angels Fear to Tread focuses on a group of English men and women living and traveling in Italy.
The Grim Smile of the Five Towns
To my old and constant friend JOSEPH DAWSON ,a student profoundly versed in the human nature of the Five Towns
Vanished Arizona33章节
Recollections of the Army Life by a New England Woman.
The Sea Rovers
A glorious vision is Gloucester harbor, whether seen under the radiant sun of a clear June morning or through the haze and smoke of a mellow October afternoon.
The King of Gee-Whiz
Once, several years ago, there lived in a city far from the sea-shore a widow by the name of Mrs. Pickle, who had Twins named Zuzu Pickle and Lulu Pickle. At first glance, these...
The Cottage of Delight
John Trott waked that morning at five o'clock. Whether it was due to the mere habit of a working-man or the blowing of the hoarse and mellow whistle at the great cotton-mills beyond the low, undulati