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Le Morte D’Arthur, Volume II (of II)
And if so be ye can descrive what ye bear, ye are worthy to bear the arms. As for that, said Sir Tristram, I will answer you; this shield was given me, not desired, of Queen Morgan le Fay; and as for
St. Francis of Assisi
A sketch of St. Francis of Assisi in modern English may be written in one of three ways. Between these the writer must make his selection; and the third way, which is adopted here, is in some respect
The Happy-go-lucky Morgans
My story is of Balham and of a family dwelling in Balham who were more Welsh than Balhamitish. Strangers to that neighbourhood who go up Harrington Road from the tram must often wonder why the second
The Brethren三兄弟24章节
R.M.S. Mongolia, 12th May, 1904 Mayhap, Ella, here too distance lends its enchantment, and these gallant brethren would have quarrelled over Rosamund, or even had their long swords at each other&
The Chartreuse of Parma帕尔马修道院
Diary of a Pilgrimage
Diary of a Pilgrimage is another edition of Jerome's English wit in the vein of Three Men in a Boat and Three Men on the Bummel.
The Cruise of the Training Ship
The Marquis de Villemer
Do not worry, dear sister, for here I am, at Paris, without accident or fatigue. I have slept a few hours, breakfasted on a cup of coffee, made my toilet, and, in a moment, I am going to take a carri
A Victorious union
"A Victorious union" is the sixth and last of "The Blue and the Gray Series." While the volume is not intended to be a connected historical narrative of t
Aunt Olive in Bohemia
ONCE upon a time, as the fairy tales have it, there was a certain country town. It was a sleepy little town, where few things happened. It was like a dog grown old and lazy with basking in the sun, u
The Tyranny of Shams
This book is a frank criticism of most of the dominant ideas and institutions of our time: a confession of faith in nearly all the more daring heresies which hold, so to say, the firing line of our l
The Ladies’ Paradise
A veritable treasure trove for deconstructionists, feminists and other cultural critics, for although it is a love story, most characters reserve their deepest passions for the pursuit of fine mercha
The Human Machine人类机器
An idea that can transform a man, both within and without. The author's got an amazing way of saying things. A must read for anyone not in complete control of their self .
Treasure Valley19章节
Other years, by the time the mid-June days were come, the little brook that sang through John McIntyre's pasture-field had shrunk to a mere jeweled thread of golden pools and silver shallows, with he