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Girls in Bookland
Inside this world in which we live there is another world, a very wonderful world, that is ours for the taking. Many things in the world we live in every day are denied to us. Maybe for the reason th
The Passing of the Idle Rich
I know Society. I was born in it, and have lived in it all my life, both here and in the capitals of Europe. I believe that I understand as well as any man what are the true traditions and the true c
The Story Girl
I do like a road, because you can be always wondering what is at the end of it. The Story Girl said that once upon a time. Felix and I, on the May morning when we left Toronto for Prince Edward Islan
The Most Interesting Stories of All Nations
There was a card party at the rooms of Naroumoff, of the Horse Guards. The long winter night passed away imperceptibly, and it was five o'clock in the morning before the company sat down to supper. T
Hymns and Hymnwriters of Denmark
The Danish Reformation began quietly about 1520, and culminated peacefully in the establishment of the Lutheran church as the church of the realm in 1536.
Across The Chasm
MARGARET TREVENNON was young and beautiful. Her faithful biographer can say no less, though aware of the possibility that, on this account, the satiated reader of romances may make her acquaintance w
The Young Section-Hand
“Excuse me, sir, but do you need a man?”Jack Welsh, foreman of Section Twenty-one, on the Ohio division of the P. & O., turned sharply around at sound of the voice and ins
The Horse and His Rider
The writer of this little volume deems it only fair to forewarn his readers that he is not, and never has been, an inhabitant of that variegated region in creation commonly called "the sport
Kings in Adversity
Almost within a stone’s throw of the antique structure that for a full century has been known to New Yorkers as St. Mark’s Church stands a mansion that has had,
The Radio Boys in Darkest Africa
“Look here, Jack, we ought to do something to help Wimba. I don’t believe he’s getting a square deal.”“Nor I, Frank. But what can we do? Chief Ruku-R
The Astonishing Adventure of Jane Smith
The dining-room of Molloy’s flat had not been built to receive twenty-five guests, but the Delegates of twenty-five affiliated Organisations had been crowded into it. The unshaded electric
Thirty Years from Home
Were it not that the most common of all inquiries, respecting every man who comes before the public, is, “who is he? whence did he proceed? who were his parents?” &c., I w
The Old Room
THE room looks out upon the square, which is so big and so fashionable that there is no business done in it.By day there is a sound of carriages, but at a distance; for the house that contains the ro
The Poet
“The lonesomeness of that little girl over there is becoming painful,” said the Poet from his chair by the hedge.
As a Man Thinketh
THE aphorism, "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he," not only embraces the whole of a man's being,