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The Return of Blue Pete
Sergeant Mahon emptied the barracks mail bag on the desk before Inspector Barker and stood awaiting instructions. The Inspector passed his hand over the small pile of letters and let his eye roam fro
Bound to Rise
"Sit up to the table, children, breakfast's ready." The speaker was a woman of middle age, not good-looking in the ordinary acceptation of the term, but nevertheless she looked good
The Bostonians
The Bostonians , by Henry James , is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new schola
Brat Farrar
In this tale of mystery and suspense, a stranger enters the inner sanctum of the Ashby family posing as Patrick Ashby, the heir to the family's sizable fortune. The stranger, Brat Farrar, has been ca
Luke Walton
"_News_ and _Mail_, one cent each!" Half a dozen Chicago newsboys, varying in age from ten to sixteen years, with piles of papers in their hands, joined in the chorus. They were sta
Isabel Leicester: A Romance
In a spacious apartment superbly furnished, and surrounded by every luxury that could please the most fastidious taste, sat Isabel Leicester, attired in deep mourning, with her head resting upon her
If John Westley had not deliberately run away from his guide that August morning and lost himself on Kettle Mountain, he would never have found the Wishing-rock, nor the Witches' Glade, nor Miss Jera
Born in Exile
George Gissing was an English novelist, who wrote twenty-three novels between 1880 and 1903. Although his early works are naturalistic, he developed into one of the the most accomplished realists of
The Brothers Karamazov
Constance Garnett’s translation, the basic version in English of this Russian masterpiece, has been revised by the editor for accuracy and readability. Dostoevsky’s sources for th
The Bride of Lammermoor
The Bride of Lammermoor is a historical novel by Sir Walter Scott, set in Lammermuir Hills Scotland in the reign of Queen Anne (1702–1714). The novel tells of a tragic love affair between L
The Outlet
At the close of the civil war the need for a market for the surplus cattle of Texas was as urgent as it was general. There had been numerous experiments in seeking an outlet, and there is authority f
Justice in the By-Ways:a Tale of Life
"A rebellion or an invasion alarms, And puts the people upon its defence; But a corruption of principles Works its ruin more slowly perhaps, But more surely."
Keineth Randolph's world seemed suddenly to be turning upside down! For the past three days there had been no lessons. Keineth had lessons instead of going to school. She had them sometimes with Mada
Jack's Ward
"Look here, boy, can you hold my horse a few minutes?" asked a gentleman, as he jumped from his carriage in one of the lower streets in New York.
O. T., A Danish Romance
Several days had passed; the sky was gray; the young people assembled round the table; they were at no loss for a subject of conversation. All those who have brothers or sons who study well, have rem