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Henry Dunbar
"If anything can console me for the loss of my dear grandfather, it is the thought that you will come back at last, and that I shall see you once more. You can never know, dearest father, wh
白噪音 White Noise
红与黑 The Red and the Black
Le Rouge et le Noir (The Red and the Black), 1830, by Stendhal, is a historical psychological novel in two volumes,chronicling a provincial young man’s attempts to socially rise beyond his
麦田守望者 The Catcher In The Rye
Henrietta Temple : A Love Story
THE family of Armine entered England with William the Norman. Ralph d’Armyn was standard-bearer of the Conqueror, and shared prodigally in the plunder, as appears by Doomsday Book. At the t
淑女的眼泪 Justine
本书是萨德的代表作,是他恣意放纵的奇书之一。他笔下所展示的各种各样的变态行为,将病态的人性描写得淋漓尽致,刻画了人们欲望的尴尬与人性的困境, 直到今天才让人们了解到了它的真实性和它所具备非凡的价值。他的作品一直是广为流传的奇书,尤其在艺术家和作家之间备受推崇,深深影响了近代文学、艺术和哲学思潮。 本书讲述了一个名叫鞠斯汀娜的少女遇到的十次经历、十段故事。由于父母的破产,她和姐姐不得走上流浪的道路
The Tin Box
"Have you finished breakfast already, Harry?" asked Mrs. Gilbert, as Harry rose hurriedly from the table and reached for his hat, which hung on a nail especially appropriated to it.
绯闻女孩 Gossip Girl 第六季
《绯闻女孩》(Gossip Girl)还有太多的剧情要上演。布莱尔(Blair )会和谁在一起,恰克(Chuck)还是丹( Dan)?罗拉(Lola )真的是瑟琳娜(Serena)的妹妹吗?戴安娜( Diana )又和谁有千丝万缕的关系?内特(Nate)的故事线会怎样发展?《绯闻女孩》的剧情大坑还没填完,请务必继续演下去~!CW台的内部人员透露,《绯闻女孩》的续订基本已成定局。他表示热门剧集《绯
董贝父子 Dombey and Son
《董贝父子》是狄更斯最重要的作品之一,发表于1848年。小说描写了董贝父子公司的盛衰史。董贝是个贪得无厌的大资本家,妻子儿女都成了他追逐利润的工 具和摆设。公司经理卡克尔是个奸诈小人,骗取了董贝的信任后又一手造成了他的破产。在现实的教训中,董贝的思想发生了转变。最后,虽然他已无法重整家业, 却成全了真正的家庭幸福。
Leah Mordecai: A Novel
It was only the life of Leah Mordecai that apparently was marked by no change. She was older by a few years-that was all the world saw of change in her life. To strangers' eyes, she was still pursuin
The Mystery
The late afternoon sky flaunted its splendour of blue and gold like a banner over the Pacific, across whose depths the trade wind droned in measured cadence. On the ocean's wide expanse a hulk wallow
Here and Beyond
It was not till the following spring that I plucked up courage to tell Mrs. Bridgeworth what had happened to me that night at Morgat. In the first place, Mrs. Bridgeworth was in America; and after th
暮光之城:破晓 Breaking Dawn
Bella and Edward are married, but their honeymoon is cut short when Bella discovers that she is pregnant. Her pregnancy progresses rapidly, severely weakening her. She nearly dies giving birth to her
暮光之城:月食 Eclipse
The vampire Victoria (James' mate from Twilight) has created an army of "newborn" vampires to battle the Cullen family and murder Bella for revenge. Meanwhile, Bella is compelled to
杰克与吉尔 Jack and Jill
The book begins at night, with a man calling himself Sam Harrison, wearing a disguise and stalking United States Senator Daniel Fitzpatrick. Sam plans on killing the senator, and has been planning th