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A Colored Man Round the World
The Author of this book, though a quadroon, is pleased to announce himself the “Colored man around the world.” Not because he may look at a colored man’s position as an
In The Levant
IN the winter and spring of 1875 the writer made the tour of Egypt and the Levant. The first portion of the journey is described in a volume published last summer, entitled "My Winter on the
Philosophical Dictionary
The Dictionnaire Philosophique is Voltaire’s principal essay in philosophy, though not a sustained work. The miscellaneous articles he contributed to Diderot’s Encyclop&eacute
007之大破太空城 MoonRaker
美国运送英国太空船半途失事,引起两国警觉,英方怀疑有不法组织劫持,因此派007前去 查办,007追查之下发现某种组织在制造一种神经麻痹气体,该气体是由一种极稀有的尼格拉兰花提取出来的,007前往兰花产地调查,终于发现该组织的重大阴谋,就是在太空中建立了一个太空城,为了称霸世界,他们准备从太空城中发射50个毒气弹毁掉地球上的50个大城市。007发现真情后,与宇航员一起将太空城炸掉,并驾驶航天飞机将
The Red Bicycle
The dingy little cart containing the clean linen of the Rectory, was on its way by an unusually roundabout route. Neddy Mellin, the washer woman's son, who disliked work as much as he liked play, whi
We Bought a Zoo 我家买了动物园
这是一个不同寻常的真实故事,讲述一个家庭搬进一座破败动物园的奇妙经历。出于对冒险的钟爱,也为了有一个全新的开始,本杰明?梅(Benjamin Mee)一家人搬进了新家——英国乡间一座破旧的动物园。梅有一个梦想:翻新动物园,并将其办成家族企业。起初,朋友和同事们都说他疯了。不过,他和孩子们、几个忠心耿耿的员工一直辛勤劳动,希望能让动物园早日重新开门迎客。20
007之八爪女 Octopussy
The Midnight Guest
A Hansom pulled up in front of 799, Park Lane, and a slim figure of a woman, dressed in deep mourning, ran up the broad flight of marble steps leading to the house. Her features were closely conceale
The Fourth Awakening
“Life is like a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism; the way you play it is fr ee will.”
The Man from Mars
Any one advanced in life who has enjoyed opportunities of knowledge derived from association with men and books, and who has an inclination to reach the bottom of things by his own independent though
火车上的女孩 The Girl on the Train
An ‘Attic’ Philosopher
Emile Souvestre (1806-1854) was a French novelist whose Un Philosophe sous les toils, which received a prize from l'Academie Francaise. An "Attic" Philosopher is the tale, in episte
Tobacco Road 烟草路
罗茜的计划 The Rosie Project
I may have found a solution to the Wife Problem. As with somany scientific breakthroughs, the answer was obvious inretrospect. But had it not been for a series of unscheduledevents, it is unlikely I
Peace Pilgrim 和平朝圣者
I am a pilgrim, a wanderer. I shall remain a wanderer untilmankind has learned the way of peace, walking until I am givenshelter and fasting until I am given food.