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The Sea Hawk 海鹰
The War of Women Volume 2
Two days later they came in sight of Bordeaux, and it became necessary to decide at once how they should enter the city. The dukes, with their army, were no more than ten leagues away, so that they w
A Brief History of Time 时间简史
The Scottish Chiefs
Do the traitors think, cried Wallace, "that by robbing Scotland of her annals, and of that stone, that they really deprive her of her palladium? Fools fools Scotland's history is in the memo
Business Adventures 商业冒险
华尔街不仅是金融的战场,也是人性的试验场,这里每天都上演着一夜暴富或身败名裂的华丽戏剧。约翰·布鲁克斯选择了华尔街上12个最富戏剧性的时刻,以小说的笔法叙述了这个舞台上的奇谋、诡计、泡沫、欺诈、贪婪、崩溃、坚持、不甘…… 商业的形式和表象一直在变,但商业的基础始终如一。书中的商战已经发生,正在发生,将来还会继续发生&hel
The Secret of the Sandhills
THERE was no doubt about my luck being out that bright summer morning, as I stood, shabby and down-at-heel, outside the General Post Office in Adelaide.
The Secret Passage
All that wealth -- Mrs. Octagon would not be surprised to hear someone had murdered her aunt for it No sooner had she voiced her musings, sitting in private with her daughter, than her husband burst
The Reverberator
The reading-room of the Hotel de l’Univers et de Cheltenham was none too ample, and had seemed to Mr. Dosson from the first to consist principally of a highly-polished floor on the bareness
The Standard Bearer
A book iron-grey and chill is this that I have written, the tale of times when the passions of men were still working like a yeasty sea after the storms of the Great Killing. If these pages should ch
A Thousand Splendid Suns 灿烂千阳
The Schoolmaster
FYODOR LUKITCH SYSOEV, the master of the factory school maintained at the expense of the firm of Kulikin, was getting ready for the annual dinner. Every year after the school examination the board of
Thus Spake Zarathustra
“Zarathustra” is my brother’s most personal work; it is the history of his most individual experiences, of his friendships, ideals, raptures, bitterest disappointments a
The Highlands of Ethiopia
It was late on the afternoon of a sultry day in April, which had been passed amid active preparations, when a dark column of smoke, streaming over the tall shipping in the crowded harbour of Bombay,
Across Texas
NICK RIBSAM, of whom I had considerable to tell you in “The Young Moose Hunters,” returned to his humble home in Western Pennsylvania with his health fully restored by his stirrin
Your most worthy Brother Mr SIDNEY GODOLPHIN, when he lived, was pleas'd to think my studies something, and otherwise to oblige me, as you know, with reall testimonies of his good opinion, great in t