We have heard some people object to geographical discovery, especially in the inclement parts of the earth, on the ground that it could be of no use, and involved great risk to life and limb. &ld
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We have heard some people object to geographical discovery, especially in the inclement parts of the earth, on the ground that it could be of no use, and involved great risk to life and limb. “Of no use!” Who can tell what discoveries shall be useful and what useless? “The works of God are great, sought out of all those that have pleasure therein,” saith the Scripture.
The Pioneers转载自网络,转载至本站只是为了让更多读者阅读欣赏,本站愿与您一起共建良好的阅读环境!
- Preface.
- Chapter One. Shows how it began.
- Chapter Two. Terrible Discoveries and Altered Plans.
- Chapter Three. Introduces the King of Pioneers.
- Chapter Four. Vicissitudes of the Voyage—Indians Met with, etcetera.
- Chapter Five.
- Chapter Six.
- Chapter Seven.
- Chapter Eight.