汤尚松 字竞秋。年二十六岁。生于江西九江。未婚。初毕业于九江南伟烈学校。宣统元年。以美国友人资助。游美。入鲍而温瓦来思学校。习普通文科。民国元年。得学士学位。入开斯实科学校。习采矿冶金工程。民国四年。得学士学位。为矿业工程会会员。开文兰中国学生会书记。及某会副会长。撰中国后日之铁业一文。载开斯工业学报。为开文兰留学生会日报经理。在开文兰气炉公司。及美国铁线公司实习。民国五年。回国。现时通信处。江西九江湖口街。
tang, shang-sung.-born in kiukiang, kiangsi, 1891. studied at william nast college, kiukiang, 1901-9. graduated, 1909. arrived in america, october, 1909. private support. studied liberal arts at baldwin wallace college, 1909-12; mining and metallurgical engineering at case school of applied science, 1912-15. b.a., 1912; b. met. e., 1915. member, mining engineering society, 1914. secretary, cleveland chinese students club, 1913. vice-president, pick and shovel club, 1914-15. author, "future iron and steel industry in china", the case tech, 1915. manager, con-ference daily in cleveland, 1914. chemist, american steel and wire co., 1915. assistant engineer, the cleveland furnace company, 1916. returned to china, october, 1916.