曹云祥 字庆五。年三十六岁。生于江苏南翔。兄锡庚。已婚。永久通信处。上海四川路靑年会转。初毕业于上海圣约翰大学。任圣约翰大学助教。及常州寗波中学堂教务长。为上海南方报编辑。光緖三十三年。以官费游美。入耶路大学。习普通文科。宣统三年。得学士学位。被选入耶路辩论会。屡次演说竞赛。得第一名奖。为耶路辩论团团员。耶路世界会会长。中国学生会会长。本级辩论队员。留美学生月报编辑及总编辑。民国三年。任驻英使馆二等秘书。为中国会会员。著科学的商业管理法一书。现时通信处。英京中国使馆。
tsao yun-siang.-born in nanziang, kiangsu, 1881. married. 1914. studied at st. john's university, shanghai, 1892-1900. graduated, 1900. assistant instructor, st. john's university, 1900-3. dean: fu-yang middle school, changchow, 1904-5; ih-cu middle school, ningpo, 1905-7. editor, nan-fang-pao, shanghai, 1906. arrived in america, september, 1907. government support. studied liberal arts at yale university, 1907-11. a.b., 1911. elected to yale debating association, 1909-11. awarded first prize for best oration in the sophomore lincoln oratorical contest, fe-bruary, 1909; in the junior exhibition oratorical contest, 1910; in the de forest oratorical contest, 1911. member and one time chairman, yale deba-ting union. chairman; yale cosmopolitan club, 1909-11; chinese students club, 1910-11. member, class debating team, 1910. editor, chinese students' monthly, 1909-10 and editor-in-chief, 1911-12. second secretary, chinese legation, london, england, 1914 to date. member, china society, 1916. author, "the scientific organization of business management," 1916.