陈英梅女士 年二十七岁。生于香港。叔任中国招商轮船局事。兄任汉冶萍铁矿事。初学于上海中西女塾。香港公立学校。及上海某私立学校。光緖三十一年。自费游美。入林园大学。习普通文科。宣统元年。入威尔斯来学校。习体育。民国二年。得学士学位。被选入某名誉学会。为留美学生会会员。民国二年回国。任上海靑年会书记。民国五年。任上海靑年会学校校长。现时住址。上海老靶子路十六号。
chun, ying-mi (miss).-born in hongkong, 1890. studied at mctyiere school, shanghai, 1899-1900 and 1902-5; at billion's public school, hongkong, 1900-2. arrived in america, october, 1905. private support. studied liberal arts at forest park university, 1906-9; physical education at wellesley college, 1909-13. a.b., 1913. member, agora, 1911. member and once officer, chinese students' christian association, 1910-13. returned to china, october, 1913. secretary, y.m.c.a., shanghai, 1915-16. director, y.m.c.a. school of physical education, shanghai, 1916.