施肇基 字植之。年四十一岁。生于江苏震泽。兄肇曾。陇海铁路督办。永久通信处。天津河北五马路。已婚。子二女二。初学于上海圣约翰大学。为约翰声编辑。光緖十九年。自费游美。入华盛顿高等学校。光緖二十三年。入康奈尔大学。光緖二十七年。得学士学位。光緖二十八年。得硕士学位。为康奈尔学报编辑。光緖二十八年回国。任两湖总督张文襄及端忠愍文案。光緖三十二年。署邮传部主事。任京汉铁路总办。光緖三十三年。任北方铁路总办。光緖三十四年。任哈尔滨海关道。宣统二年。任外务部参议。宣统三年。署外务部左侍郞。民国元年。任交通部总长。民国二年。任总统府大礼官。民国三年。任中国驻英公使。现时通信处。英国伦敦中国使馆。
sze, sao-ke alfred.-born in chengtse, kiangsu, 1876. married, 1905. studied at st. john's university, shanghai, 1888-92. editor, st. john's echo, 1892. arrived in america. august. 1893. private support. prepared for college at washington high school, 1893-9. studied liberal arts at cornell university, 1897-1901. b.a., 1901: m.a., 1902. was editor of the cornellian. returned to china, october, 1902. secretary to viceroys chang chih tung and tuan fang, 1902-4. acting junior secretary, ministry of communications and director, peking-hankow railway, 1906-7. director of northern railways, 1907-8. customs taotai, harbin, 1908-10. senior coun-cillor, ministry of foreign affairs, 1910; vice-minister, 1911. minister of communications, 1912: master of ceremonies, president's office, 1913. chinese minister to london, 1914 to date. present address: chinese legation, 49 porland place, london.