胡昌鹤 字九皋。年三十四岁。生于江西九江。父鼎梅。已婚。女一。初学于九江同文大学。光緖三十年毕业。得学士学位。任该大学教员。又任九江高等小学教员。及九江民立第一学校校长。宣统三年。自费游美。入中央威斯林学校。习化学及哲学。民国三年。得学士学位。入德包大学。习化学及教育。民国四年。得硕士学位。入纽约大学。习教育。民国五年。得硕士学位。著中国教育新制度一书。得博士学位。为靑年会。高特演说会。北美洲中国基督教学生会。留美学生会等会会员。得有高特演说会文凭。及德包纽约两大学学金奖。民国五年。回国。任九江同文大学理科主任教员。现时通信处。江西九江南伟烈大学校(即同文大学)。
hu, chang-ho.-born in kiukiang, 1883. married, 1909. stud-ied at william nast college, kiukiang, 1894-1904. graduated, 1904. teach-er: william nast college, 1904-11: kiukiang grammar school, 1906-11. principal, first min-li school, kiukiang, 1906-10. arrived in america, september, 1911. private support. studied chemistry and philosophy at central wesleyan college, 1911-14; chemistry and education at de pauw university, 1914-15; education at new york university, 1915-16. a.b., 1914; a.m., 1915; pd. m. and pd. d., 1916. subject of doctor's disserta-
tion:-"the reorganization of chinese educational system". member: epworth league and y.m.c.a., 1911; goethenian oratorical association, 1912; chinese students' christian association in north america and chinese students' alliance, 1913. awarded diploma by the goethenian oratorical association, june, 1914. awarded scholarship in chemistry, de panw university, 1914-15: northrop fellowship in education, now york univer-sity, 1915-16. returned to china, october, 1916. head of science depart-ment, william nast college, kiukiang, 1916 to date.