胡其炳 字燮卿。年四十五岁。生于江西九江。侄仕鸿。留学美国。已婚。子四。女三。初留学德国。习神道学。光緖十九年。得有文凭。回国。任镇江学校教员。又在九江为宣道师。光緖三十一年。自费游美。入查理斯市学校。习神道学及普通文科。得学士学位。为华盛顿会会员。光緖三十四年。回国。任九江南伟烈大学校教员。通信处。江西九江大南门南伟烈大学校。
hu, c. p.-born in kiukiang, kiangsi, 1872. married, 1896. stud-ied theology in germany, 1889-93. graduated with diploma, 1893. teacher of a school at chinkiang, 1893-99; preacher at kiukiang, 1899-1905. arrived in america, february, 1905. private support. studied theology and liberal arts at charles city college, iowa, 1905-8. b.a. and b.d., 1908. member, washingtonian society, 1905-8. returned to china, september, 1908. teacher, william nast college, kiukiang, 1908-14.