林彪 字礼源。年二十九岁。生于广东香山。初学于上海圣约翰大学。光緖三十四年。自费游美。入威斯康心大学。习政治学。民国元年。得学士学位。民国二年赴德国。入巴维利亚大学。民国三年。著书曰中国辛亥革命及经济殖民宪法各方面之研。究得政治学博士学位。复入柏林大学。修法律学。撰华人移住美国之原因一文。载美国社会政治学报。又屡投稿于德京各报。兼任驻德中国使馆翻译员。民国五年。由德回国。民国六年。任外交部办事员。现时通信处。上海杨树浦路七九四号。
ling, pyau.-born in hsiangshan, kwangtung. 1888. studied at st. john's university, shanghai, 1905-8. arrived in america, june, 1908. private support. studied political science at the university of wisconsin, 1908-12. b.a., 1912. studied in germany, 1912-16. pol. d., imperial bavarian julius maximilian university, 1914. took post-graduate course in law at imperial university of berlin, 1914-16. subject of doctor's dissertation: "the chinese revolution 1911-12 with special reference to its financial, colonial and con-stitutional aspects". author, "causes of chinese emigration", american journal of social and political scieace, 1912, etc. interpreter, chinese legation at berlin, 1914-16. returned to china from germany, september, 1916. member, minis-try of foreign affairs, 1917.