林鉴诚 年二十七岁。生于天津。父雨亭。任上海人寿保险公司总理。已婚。初毕业于上海圣约翰大学。任该校英文教员。宣统三年。自费游美。入勿吉尼亚大学。习土木工程。民国元年。入康奈尔大学。民国二年。复入勿吉尼亚大学。民国四年。得土木工程师学位。曾为东部留美学生分会英文书记。又代表该大学。赴甘沙市会议。民国四年回国。任上海美孚煤油公司建筑襄理。住址及通信处。上海宝山路升顺里六十一号
lin, kyan-zung.-born in tientsin, 1890. married, 1915. studied at st. john's university, shanghai, 1902-9. b.a., 1909. teacher of english, st. john's university, shanghai, 1909-11. arrived in america, september, 1911. private support. studied civil engineering at the university of virginia, 1911-12; at cornell university, 1912-13; at the university of virginia, 1913-15. c.e., 1915. english secretary, chinese students' alliance, eastern section, 1912-13. university delegate to kansas city convention, 1913. returned to china, july, 1915. assistant superintendent of construction, standard oil co., shanghai, 1915 to date.