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基地系列 Forward the Foundation  迈向基地
《迈向基地》(Forward the Foundation),是美国科幻作家艾萨克·阿西莫夫出版于1993年的科幻小说短篇集,“基地系列”的第七部作品,归于“基地前传”,阿西莫夫继续以“心理史学宗师”兼“基地之父”哈
开始邮政 Going Postal
Going Postal is Terry Pratchett's 33rd Discworld novel, released in the United Kingdom on September 25, 2004. Unlike most of Pratchett's Discworld novels, Going Postal is divided into chapters, a fea
迟暮鸟语 Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang
Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang is a science fiction novel by Kate Wilhelm, published in 1976. Parts of it appeared in Orbit 15 in 1974. It was the recipient of the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1977,
Deathworld is a fictional character in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series and a parody of several other personifications of death. Like most Grim Reapers, he is a black-robed skeleton usually carryin
The Earth Quarter
The sun had set half an hour before. Now, from the window of Laszlo Cudyk's garret, he could see how the alien city shone frost-blue against the black sky; the tall hive-shapes that no man would have
基地系列 Prelude to Foundation 基地前奏
故事倒回哈里·谢顿二十多岁首次踏足川陀和发展心理史学的经过。本书是一本长篇小说,内分19 章,主要讲述谢顿在川陀的历险过程。 阿西莫夫写作本书的目的是为了要统一其笔下三大系列小说“机器人”、“银河帝国”和“基地”。本书出现了艾氏最出名的机器人学三(四)大法
无有乡 Neverwhere
Neverwhere is an urban fantasy television series by Neil Gaiman that first aired in 1996 on BBC Two. The series is set in "London Below", a magical realm coexisting with the more fa
地海奇风 The Other Wind
《地海奇风》(The Other Wind)是美国作家娥苏拉·勒瑰恩于2001年发表的奇幻小说,是地海系列的第五部长篇小说(第六本书,出版于《地海故事集》之后)。故事叙述一场生死境界交错的异变,借以重新探讨地海世界中地域的差异,以及生死与魔法的本质。
The Man in the Queue
A classic mystery from the Golden Age of detection fiction. Outside a London theatre a throng of people wait expectantly for the last performance of a popular musical. But as the doors open at last,
地海巫师 A Wizard of Earthsea
A Wizard of Earthsea, first published in 1968, is the first of a series of books written by Ursula K. Le Guin and set in the fantasy world archipelago of Earthsea depicting the adventures of a buddin
少年派的奇幻漂流 Life of Pi
地海彼岸 The Farthest Shore
The Farthest Shore is the third of a series of books written by Ursula K. Le Guin and set in her fantasy archipelago of Earthsea, first published in 1972. It follows on from The Tombs of Atuan, which
地海古墓 The Tombs of Atuan
The Tombs of Atuan is the second of a series of books written by Ursula K. Le Guin and set in her fantasy archipelago of Earthsea, first published in 1971. Its events take place a few years after tho
地海孤雏 Tehanu
地海故事集 Tales from Earthsea
Tales from Earthsea is a collection of short stories by American writer Ursula K. Le Guin, first published in 2001. The stories are set in the Earthsea world.