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Mrs. Cliff's Yacht
Widow of a village merchant, mistress of an unpretending house in the little town of Plainton, Maine, and, by strange vicissitudes of fortune, the possessor of great wealth, she was on her way from P
Stephen A Soldier of the Cross
"Bounteous Nile! Father of all living! Garlanded with lotus blooms, rosy as Horus!" As these words rang out over the rocky hillside in a clear sweet voice, two men who were climbing
A Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
The chief source of illustration for this volume, as in the case of the Napoleon papers in McClure’s Magazine, is the great collection of engravings of Mr. Gardiner G. Hubbard, which has be
Heart of Europe
BETWEEN the Seine and the Rhine lay once a beautiful land wherein more history was made, and recorded in old monuments full of grace and grandeur and fancy, than in almost any other region of the wor
A Personal Record
As a general rule we do not want much encouragement to talk about ourselves; yet this little book is the result of a friendly suggestion, and even of a little friendly pressure. I defended myself wit
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
The increasing interest attached to all that part of the American Continent situated within and near the tropics, has suggested the publication of the present edition of Humboldt’s celebrat
The Motor Boys on Thunder Mountain
“What do you think of it, fellows?” asked Jerry Hopkins. The tall lad ruffled in his hand some sheets of paper covered with typewriting. He looked closely at his two chums.
The Carved Lions
It is already a long time since I was a little girl. Sometimes, when I look out upon the world and see how many changes have come about, how different many things are from what I can remember them, I
The Yale Literary Magazine
As I am about to have some little converse with thee, I cannot pass this first bright page of our Magazine, without a greeting word, and a ‘God’s benison’ on our acquain
The Wireless Officer
Peter Mostyn had been "on the beach" for nearly six months. In other words, he was out of a berth. Not that it was any fault of his that a promising and energetic young wireless off
Looking Further Forward
Every seeker after truth and reform is entitled to recognition, even if his ways and methods are not ours. Mr. Edward Bellamy’s book: “Looking Backward”, is an effort to
Secrets of the Bosphorus
I AM writing these reminiscences of my ambassadorship at a moment when Germany’s schemes in the Turkish Empire and the Near East have achieved an apparent success. The Central Powers have d
Jane Austen and Her Times
Of Jane Austen’s life there is little to tell, and that little has been told more than once by writers whose relationship to her made them competent to do so. It is impossible to make even
The Spell of the Rockies
I had gone into the San Juan Mountains during the first week in March to learn something of the laws which govern snow slides, to get a fuller idea of their power and destructiveness, and also with t
The Uncle Of An Angel 1891
When Mr. Hutchinson. Port, a single gentleman who admitted that he was forty-seven years old and who actually was rising sixty, of strongly fixed personal habits, and with the most positive opinions