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Destinées pour la plupart à la rédaction ultérieure d'un traitésur la religion chrétienne, les Pensées sont un ensemble de
Captured by Apes
Several years ago, or, to speak more accurately, in 1871, Philip Garland, a young man of not more than seventeen years, succeeded his father in the business of buying, selling and training wild anima
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Most of the principles, and reasonings, contained in this volume,1 were published in a work in three volumes, called A Treatise of Human Nature: a work which the Author had projected before he left C
Lady Rose's Daughter
So saying--on a February evening a good many years ago--an elderly gentleman in evening dress flung himself out of his cab, which had just stopped before a house in Bruton Street, and hastily went to
Fanny Burney and her Friends
It has been stated, we know not on what authority, that Dr. Burney was a descendant in the fifth degree of James Macburney, a native of Scotland, who attended King James I. when he left that country
The Point of View
. . . My dear child, the bromide of sodium (if that’s what you call it) proved perfectly useless. I don’t mean that it did me no good, but that I never had occasion to take the bo
The War That Will End War
The cause of a war and the object of a war are not necessarily the same. The cause of this war was the invasion of Luxemburg and Belgium. We declared war because we were bound by treaty to declare wa
The Poisoned Goblet
“We may say what we will, Mr. Larose,” remarked the thin scholarly looking man in a rather regretful tone, “but evil in a jeweled setting is less repugnant to the human
Five Years in New Zealand 1859 to 1864
I was one of a family of nine, of which four were sons. My eldest brother was destined for the Church; the second had entered a mercantile house in Liverpool; and I, who was third on the list, it was
The Yellow Pearl
Here I am in this strange country about which I have learned in the geography and history, and about which I heard my father talk. The daughter of an American man and a Chinese woman, I suppose I am
Royalty in All Ages
The great Mogul Emperor was a chess player, and was generous enough to rejoice when he was beaten by one of his courtiers, which was the exact reverse of Philip II. of Spain, who, when a Spanish gran
Ten Degrees Backward
It was with this apparently simple question that Arthur Blathwayte rang up the curtain on the drama of my life.
Hall Caine The Man and the Novelist
The keynote of Hall Caine’s character, both as a man and as a novelist, is sincerity, and the deepest thing in him is love of humanity. He is dominated by the ambition to get out of the rea
The Camp Fire Girls on a Yacht
“Oh! Jack, Ellen, come here this instant!” cried Jane Pellew in so excited a manner that the mail rider almost fell out of his jumper in his effort to see what it was that made Mi
The Romance of a Shop
There stood on Campden Hill a large, dun-coloured house, enclosed by a walled-in garden of several acres in extent. It belonged to no particular order of architecture, and was more suggestive of comf