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Are We of Israel?
Introductory—The promises of God to Abraham and his Posterity—The seed of Joseph in America—The journey of the Ten Tribes northward—Ephraim mixed with all nati
The Charing Cross Mystery
Hetherwick had dined that evening with friends who lived in Cadogan Gardens, and had stayed so late in conversation with his host that midnight had come before he left and set out for his bachelor ch
The Golden Age
LOOKING back to those days of old, ere the gate shut to behind me, I can see now that to children with a proper equipment of parents these things would have worn a different aspect. But to those whos
A Society Clown
It was one dark, dank, dreary, dismal night in February, 1888 (I believe that is the way to commence a book, no matter what the subject be), when the present writer might have been seen standing, wit
The Four Stragglers
The crash of guns. A flare across the heavens. Battle. Dismay. Death. A night of chaos. And four men in a thicket.
Pike & Cutlass
In April, 1778, there were more than two-score of French ships-of-the-line within easy sailing distance of the coast of England. They were tremendous three-decked monsters, armed with tier upon tier
The Octopus
Just after passing Caraher's saloon, on the County Road that ran south from Bonneville, and that divided the Broderson ranch from that of Los Muertos, Presley was suddenly aware of the faint and prol
Stories of Red Hanrahan
Hanrahan, the hedge schoolmaster, a tall, strong, red-haired young man, came into the barn where some of the men of the village were sitting on Samhain Eve. It had been a dwelling-house, and when the
My Pretty Maid
The river was the stream of Death, and the lone voyager floating out on its rushing tide was a loved and loving young wife.
The Jonathan Papers
When we were children we used to "happen in" to the kitchen just before luncheon to see what the dessert was to be. This was because at the luncheon table we were not allowed to ask
The Time Traders
To anyone who glanced casually inside the detention room the young man sitting there did not seem very formidable. In height he might have been a little above average, but not enough to make him noti
The Scouring of the White Horse
OLD AND NEW. See how the Autumn leaves float by, decaying, Down the red whirls of yon rain-swollen stream; So fleet the works of men, back to their earth again; Ancient and holy things fade like a dr
A Master of Mysteries
One day in late September I received the following letter from my lawyer:— "My Dear Bell,— "I shall esteem it a favour if you can make it convenient to call upon
My Young Master
This is the story of a master, told by his slave. As I sit now, after the flight of so many years, and gaze at the pictures in the fire—the hills and the valleys of my boyhood, so bright, s
The Mysterious Key And What It Opened
"This is the third time I've found you poring over that old rhyme. What is the charm, Richard? Not its poetry I fancy." And the young wife laid a slender hand on the yellow, time-wo