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The Long Goodbye 漫长的告别
Raymond Chandler是世界小说史上最伟大的名字之一。他是艾略特、加谬、钱钟书、村上春树等文学大师最崇拜的小说家。被称为“文学大师崇拜的大师”。他是世界上唯一一位被写入经典文学史册的侦探小说大师。他的作品被收录到《美国文库一》中。他共创作了七部长篇小说和20部左右的短篇。钱德勒被誉为硬汉派侦探小说的灵魂,代表着硬汉派书写哲学的最高水平。他是美国推
Only a Girl's Love
It is a warm evening in early Summer; the sun is setting behind a long range of fir and yew-clad hills, at the feet of which twists in and out, as it follows their curves, a placid, peaceful river. O
The Story of Viteau
BY the side of a small stream, which ran through one of the most picturesque portions of the province of Burgundy, in France, there sat, on a beautiful day in early summer, two boys, who were brother
Time And Again
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or perso
Mightier than the Sword
If you had been standing on a certain cold night in January opposite the great building where The Day is jewelled in electric lights across the dark sky, you would have seen a little, stout man run d
三国演义 Romance of Three Kingdoms
《三国演义》全名《三国志通俗演义》,元末明初小说家罗贯中所著,为中国第一部长篇章回体历史演义的小说,中国古典四大名著之一,历史演义小说的经典之作。 Romance of the Three Kingdoms, written by Luo Guanzhong in the 14th century, is a Chinese historical novel based upon events
Postal Riders and Raiders
The mud-sills of this book are hewn from the presupposition that the person who reads it has not only the essentially necessary equipment to do his own thinking, but also a more or less practiced hab
From Farm Boy to Senator
But thirty years have elapsed since the death of Daniel Webster, and there is already danger that, so far as young people are concerned, he will become an historic reminiscence.
Better Than Men
The title chosen for the following sketches, written for the purpose of presenting certain prominent characteristics of the lower animals worthy of the attention of the human animal, stands for rathe
The Story of Don John of Austria
In one of the addresses delivered at the time of Padre Coloma's admission to the Real Academia Espa?ola there is a reference to Jeromín, as this Story of Don John of Austria is called in S
The Silver Bullet
"We had better lie down and die," said Robin peevishly. "I can't go a step further," and to emphasise his words he deliberately sat.
The Transient Lake
“Stranger than the tales of the Arabian Nights—indeed, almost Munchausen-like in its seemingly improbable character is the tale I am about to give you in truth,” said Ca
The Orloff Couple and Malva
Alexei Maximovitch Peshkoff was born March 14, 1869, at Nijni Novgorod. On both his father's and mother's side he belonged to the people; his father followed the trade of a jobbing upholsterer, and h
Frank Nelson in the Forecastle
"We certainly did. I am like Perk, who, after he had been down into the Cave of the Winds, under Niagara Falls, said he would do it again for no money, but seeing that he had been down, he w