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The Gates of Morning
Dick standing on a ledge of coral cast his eyes to the South.
Dr. Jolliffe's Boys
This a very enjoyable book about life in a boy's boarding school in the. late nineteenth century. Despite school-rules, the boys get out of.
The loves of Pelleas and Etarre
Ascension lilies were everywhere in our shabby drawing-room. They crowded two tables and filled a corner and rose, slim and white, atop a Sheraton cabinet.
Jock of the Bushveld
Jock of the Bushveld is a true story by South African author Sir Percy Fitzpatrick when he worked as a storeman, prospector's assistant, journalist and ox-wagon transport-rider. The book tells of Fit
Romance Island
"Who that remembers the first kind glance of her,whom he loves can fail to believe in magic?"— NOVALIS
The Rambler Club Afloat
"The Rambler Club's Winter Camp,” show the members of the club in outdoor experiences that any real live boy will envy them.
Rich Men’s Children
The cold of foot-hill California in the month of January held the night. The occupants of the surrey were too cramped and stiffened by it, and too uncomfortably enwrapped against it, to speak. Silenc
Polly of Pebbly Pit
We meet Polly, Eleanor, Barbara, Kenneth, and the Lattimers. A lost goldmine is discovered in a blizzard. Sary chases after Jeb. A cliffhanger ending...
The life story of a squirrel松鼠的生活故事
It was a perfect June morning, not a breath stirring, and the sun fairly baking down till the whole air was full of the hot resinous scent of pine-needles; but, warm as it was, I was shivering as I l
Norma: A Flower Scout
Gryll Grange格里尔·格兰治
"Gryll Grange" is an 1861 novel by Thomas Love Peacock. His seventh and last novel, it tells the story of Gregory Gryll, a descendant of the ancient and noble Gryllus who, for lack
Four Winds Farm
"In ... his dream he saw a child moving, and could divide the main streams, at least, of the winds that had played on him, and study so the first stage in that mental journey."
The Loves of the Lady Arabella
The Loves of the Lady Arabella Where London’s towre its turrets show So stately by the Thames’s side, Faire Arabella, child of woe! For many a day had sat and sighed.
The Adventures of Maya the Bee
THE elderly lady-bee who helped the baby-bee Maya when she awoke to life and slipped from her cell was called Cassandra and commanded great respect in the hive.
Bear Stories
My Bright Young Reader: I was once exactly your own age. Like all boys, I was, from the first, fond of bear stories, and above all, I did not like stories that seemed the least bit untrue.