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A House-Boat on the Styx
The story is literally about a house-boat on the river Styx. Charon is at first angered over the fact that a house-boat appears and threatens the monopoly he has enjoyed for eons.
The Garden of Eden
Ben Connor is a gambler who knows horses. He goes out west to get away from the gambling life he has been leading in New York. There he discovers a breed of grey horses that he thinks are the best ho
Malvina of Brittany
'Malvina of Brittany' is a highly entertaining work that describes the life of Malvina, the Queen's attendant."Malvina of Brittany" is the inscription, the date being Nineteen Hundr
The Cruise of the Dry Dock
The story begins in London just before WWI where the two young men sign on as crew on a large dry dock (big enough to overhaul ocean liners) that is being towed by a tug boat up the coast of England
Dolly Dialogues多利·戴尔洛格斯
Dolly Dialogues is a book written by Anthony Hope. Humorous dialogues of the flippant bachelor Carter with his flirtatious friend Dolly and other acquaintances. Good practice for modern readers in pi
Facing the Flag迎着三色旗
Facing the Flag is an 1896 patriotic novel by Jules Verne.“Facing the Flag” is one of the earliest stories dealing with a very modern theme: the development of weapons of mass des
In the Carquinez Woods在卡圭尼兹森林
“In the Carquinez Woods, in the arms of the man you were just defending—Low, the half-breed.” The room had become so dark that from the road nothing could be distinguish
Twelve Men
In any group of men I have ever known, speaking from the point of view of character and not that of physical appearance, Peter would stand out as deliciously and irrefutably different.
In the Sargasso Sea39章节
The Sargasso Sea is a strange and a unique creation of the nature.In the Sargasso Sea is a truly classic tale that has captivated and inspired reader for more than 100 years - I include myself. I fou
The Seventh Man
It’s the story of Kate Cumberland and the incredible five-year-old daughter of Kate and Dan, Joan.
The Queen’s Necklace王后的项链
The Queen's Necklace dramatizes an unsavory incident in the 1780's at the court of King Louis XVI of France involving the King's wife, Marie Antoinette. Her reputation was already tarnished by gossip
Griffith Gaunt格里菲斯•刚特
“Griffith Gaunt” is set in the eighteenth century; it is modelled on Wilkie Collin’s story. Griffith Gaunt, a gentleman without fortune, marries Catharine Peyton, a Cumb
Eugenie Grandet欧也妮·葛朗台
Eugenie Grandet is a quiet tragedy. The eponymous character is the quiet and industrious daughter of a miser. His entire life is devoted to making more money, even faking a stutter to put other peopl
A Millionaire of Rough-and-Ready粗犷的百万富翁
A league of tangled forest and canyon behind Rough-and-Ready, for which he had paid Don Ramon's heirs an extravagant price in the presumption that it was auriferous, furnished the most accessible tim