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Brother Jacob
The anti-hero, David Faux, is deftly drawn, and his brother Jacob embodies the self-destruction of little minds and weak characters. The book is funny, and the ending satisfying.
Tommy Remington's Battle
I.Tommy Remington Finds a Circus Poster II.The First Shot of the Battle III.The Dawning of a New Day...
The Murder on the Links高尔夫球场谋杀案
阿加莎.克里斯蒂 Agatha Christie的侦探小说经典之作。A millionaire's been found stabbed in the back on his private golf course. Hercule Poirot finds no shortage of suspects in the victim's family tree.......
Chasing the Sun
Fred Temple was a tall, handsome young fellow of about five-and-twenty.
The Merry-go-round旋转木马
The Lair of the White Worm白虫的巢穴
又名: The Garden of Evil 恶魔花园 "The Lair of the White Worm" is a fantastic, dream-like narrative whose only saving grace is that there's nothing else like it out there. The plot is a m
The Valley of the Moon月亮谷3部分
The Valley of the Moon is a story of a working-class couple, Billy and Saxon Roberts, struggling laborers in Oakland at the Turn-of-the-Century, who left city life behind and searched Central and Nor
The Third Violet33章节
Stephen Crane was an American poet, novelist, and short story writer. The engine bellowed its way up the slanting, winding valley. Grey crags, and trees with roots fastened cleverly to the steeps loo
The Half-Hearted
For the convenience of the reader it may be stated that the period of this tale is the closing years of the 19th Century.
Miss Billy's Decision比利小姐的决定33章节
埃莉诺·霍奇曼·波特(Eleanor Hodgeman Porter)的代表作(《比利小姐》、《比利小姐的决定》)之一。
Erick and Sally
Years ago, in a little country called Switzerland, there lived a little girl who was the daughter of a doctor. This doctor sometimes had to climb up high mountains and sometimes he had to descend slo
The Sea Lady
The Sea Lady is a mermaid who ingratiates herself on an upper crust family who live by the seaside. She sets her sights on the dashing political hopeful in the family, plotting on taking him away fro
Lady Athlyne
On the forenoon of a day in February, 1899, the White Star S. S. Cryptic forced her way from Pier No. 48 out into the Hudson River through a mass of floating ice, which made a moving carpet over the
Madame de Mauves德莫福夫人9章节
作于1874 年,是作者早期具有代表性的作品。主要描绘一个伟大的女性形象,揭示19世纪欧洲夫权体制对女性的压抑。