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Mr. Prohack
From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read.Mr. Prohack
The Shuttle50章节
The Shuttle is a mature, slow, deep, read, full of gorgeous descriptions, tense moments, and thoughtful observations clearly taken first hand.The Shuttle is a mature, slow, deep, read, full of gorgeo
An Old Maid
To Monsieur Eugene-Auguste-Georges-Louis Midy de la Greneraye Surville, Royal Engineer of the Ponts at Chausses. As a testimony to the affection of his brother-in-law,
The Power-House
It was written in 1913, when it was serialised in Blackwood's Magazine, and it was published in book form in 1916.
The Spoilers22章节
The Spoilers is a thrilling true-to-life underdog story. Rex Beach delivers a detailed account of a prospector’s life full of uncertainty. Upon its initial release, this was one of the best
"The Faith of Men" is a short story collection originally published in 1904 and contains eight of Jack London's adventure tales, all of them set in London's favorite milieu -- the Y
“意大利十九世纪最伟大的十本小说之一”。 从一名叫恩利科的意大利小学生视角,讲述了他四年级的经历。这100个故事分为三类,有在学校发生的同学之间的小事,有父母姐姐在他日记本上的留言,以及老师在课堂上读的“每月故事”。
Daddy Takes Us Skating
"Is my nose red?" asked Mab of some of her girl friends.
The Riddle Of The Sands沙岸之谜
The book, which enjoyed immense popularity in the years before World War I, is an early example of the espionage novel and was extremely influential in the genre of spy fiction.
A Little Bush Maid
A Son at the Front36章节
A Son at the Front is an extraordinarily poignant novel chronicling the effects of WWI on painter John Campton and his only child, George. . . . Wharton movingly portrays those left behind during war
The Tale of Ferdinand Frog
David Elginbrod大卫·爱尔琴布洛德
David Elginbrod, featuring an appearance of the eponymous hero of Robert Falconer, was originally published in 1863 by Hurst and Blackett. Partially set in MacDonald’s homeland of northern
Sir Gibbie
"Sir Gibbie is the charming story of asimple good boy who grew to be a simple good man. It is charming in two ways--byits power to give delight and arouse admiration and also because it does
The Blockade Runners
The protagonist is a young british merchant marine captain intent on the profit to be gained by running the shipping blockade around Charleston established by the north - but then he also gains a new