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The White Chief of the Ottawa
"The White Chief of the Ottawa" is not fiction. It is not a tale with a carefully concealed plot, meant to delude the reader at the beginning and to surprise him at the end. It is s
Contact and Other Stories
Title: Contact and Other Stories "Contact!"--There Was a Lady--Long Distance--Philip the Gay--Green Gardens--Delilah--Her Grace--The Honourable Tony
The Wonderful Year
He was a shabby concierge sharing in the tarnish of the shabby hotel which (for the information of those fortunate ones who only know of the Ritz, and the Meurice and other such-like palaces) is situ
A White King in East Africa
The following pages describe a life of adventure in the more remote parts of Africa—adventures such as the explorer and sportsmen do not generally encounter. The man to whom the episodes na
The Store Boy
"Give me a ride?" Ben Barclay checked the horse he was driving and looked attentively at the speaker. He was a stout-built, dark-complexioned man, with a beard of a week's growth, w
The German Fury in Belgium
Among the many books published on the behaviour of the German Army in Belgium, this account by a distinguished Dutch journalist must occupy a unique place. It is written by a neutral, who held, at th
The lonely station of Manzanita stood out, sharp and unsightly, in the keen February sunlight. A mile away in a dip of the desert, lay the town, a sorry sprawl of frame buildings, patternless save fo
Charles W. Quantrell
Title: Charles W. Quantrell A True Report of his Guerrilla Warfare on the Missouri and
Our World, or, the Slaveholder's Daughter
IN presenting this work to the public, we are fully conscious of the grave charges of misrepresenting society, and misconstruing facts, which will be made by our friends of the South, and its very pe
A Death in the Family
James Agee died suddenly May 16, 1955. This novel, upon which he had been working for many years, is presented here exactly as he wrote it. There has been no re-writing, and nothing has been eliminat
The Sovereign Rule of South Carolina
OUR generous friends in Georgia and South Carolina will not add among their assumptions that we know nothing of the South and Southern life. A residence of several years in those States, a connection
The Boy Travellers in Mexico
Until within the past few years, Mexico was a country not easily reached from the principal cities of the United States, and our relations with it were by no means intimate. Since the completion of t
The Clockwork Man
It was just as Doctor Allingham had congratulated himself upon the fact that the bowling was broken, and that he had only to hit now and save the trouble of running, just as he was scanning the bound
The Best American Humorous Short Stories
This volume does not aim to contain all “the best American humorous short stories.
The Young Explorer
Ben heard every word that was said, and it confirmed his suspicions. There was no doubt that an attempt would be made to rob him and his companion before morning, and the prospect was not pleasant. B