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Old Man Savarin Stories
"Yes, indeed, my grandfather wass once in jail," said old Mrs. McTavish, of the county of Glengarry, in Ontario, Canada; "but that wass for debt, and he wass a ferry honest
Chronicles of Chicora Wood
As I sit in the broad piazza, watching the closing of the day, I gaze into the vistas of moss-draped giant oaks. All is mystery, the mystery of nature, the mystery of the ages. These oaks, still stro
The Piccadilly Puzzle
At two o'clock in the morning during the month of August sounds of music could be heard proceeding from a brilliantly lighted house in Park Lane, where a ball was being given by the Countess of Kerst
Our Fellows
My name is Joseph Coleman, and at the time my story begins I was sixteen years of age. Mark was my twin brother; and he looked and acted so much like me, or else I looked and acted so much like him,
Double Play
Dan Vinton returned to Yardley after the Christmas vacation on an afternoon of one of those bright, warm days which sometimes happen along in the middle of Winter. As the train rumbled over the bridg
The Hemlock Avenue Mystery
Young Lyon, lounging in the Court House to make up his daily tale of items for the Waynscott News, was perhaps the only man who knew exactly how the quarrel between Lawrence and Fullerton began, thou
Peeps at Royal Palaces of Great Britain
If a palace be a royal residence, as the dictionary defines it, then nearly all the famous castles of England would come under that title, for the Norman and Plantagenet Kings were constantly moving
The Corner House
A brilliant light streamed from the open doorway of No. 1, Lytton Avenue, making a lane of flame across the pavement, touching pinched gaunt faces that formed a striking contrast to the dazzling scen
主要讲述了 茱迪从小在孤儿院里长大,年轻的她不得不负担起众多沉重的工作,而不能享受普通女孩子拥有的家庭乐趣。有一天,她的命运被传奇般地改变了,一位自称约翰-史密斯的理事因为她出色的作文而将她送进了大学,她开始了完全不同的生活,她亲昵地叫这位理事“长腿叔叔”。在大学里,她欣喜地吸取着一切她从未有过的体验和知识,对她来说,一切都是那么新奇。她害怕自己并不出色,
The Land of Riddles
In this volume is presented to American readers an unbiased description of the real state of affairs in Russia to-day. The sketches here brought together are the result of a special visit to Russia b
The heritage of unrest
It is one thing to be sacrificed to a cause, even if it is only by filling up the ditch that others may cross to victory; it is quite another to be sacrificed in a cause, to die unavailingly without
Sermons for the Day
We live in very anxious times. Different phases of error are following each other with great rapidity, like waves before the gale on a stormy sea. A very short time ago we were deeply distressed by t
History of Frederick the Second
It is not surprising that many persons, not familiar with the wild and wondrous events of the past, should judge that many of the honest narratives of history must be fictions—mere romances
The Lucky One 幸运符
Kincaid's Battery
For the scene of this narrative please take into mind a wide quarter-circle of country, such as any of the pretty women we are to know in it might have covered on the map with her half-opened fan.