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The Perfumed Garden
The “Perfumed Garden” was translated into French before the year 1850, by a Staff Officer of the French army in Algeria. An autograph edition, printed in the italic character, was
The Poison Bugaboo
ROMANCE revels in the peril of the unknown. Lapped about with the armor-plate of civilization, the modern citizen muses relishingly, like a child beguiling himself with ogre tales, upon the terrors w
歌剧魅影 The Phantom of the Opera
圣诞颂歌 A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol is a novella by English author Charles Dickens first published by Chapman & Hall on 17 December 1843. The story tells of sour and stingy Ebenezer Scrooge's ideological, ethi
顽童故事 The Story of a Bad Boy
This is the story of a bad boy. Well, not such a very bad, but a pretty bad boy; and I ought to know, for I am, or rather I was, that boy myself. Lest the title should mislead the reader, I hasten to
Under the Red Dragon
"And she is to be there--nay, is there already; so one more chance is given me to meet her. But for what?--to part again silently, and more helplessly bewitched than ever, perhaps. Ah, never
Phantom Fortune
This is an EXACT reproduction of a book published before 1923. This IS NOT an OCR'd book with strange characters, introduced typographical errors, and jumbled words. This book may have occasional imp
A Gentleman of Courage
Pierre Gourdon had the love of God in his heart, a man's love for a man's God, and it seemed to him that in this golden sunset of a July afternoon the great Canadian wilderness all about him was whis
The Woman and the Priest
The Woman and the Priest [A] is an unusual book, both in its story and its setting in a remote Sardinian hill village, half civilized and superstitious. But the chief interest lies in the psychologic
一双蓝眼睛 A Pair of Blue Eyes
A Pair of Blue Eyes is a novel by Thomas Hardy, published in 1873. The book describes the love triangle among a young woman, Elfride Swancourt, and her two suitors from very different backgrounds. St
盛开的玫瑰 Rose In Bloom
Written by Louisa May Alcott, Rose in Bloom depicts the story of a nineteenth century girl, Rose Campbell, finding her way in society. Sequel to Eight Cousins. The story begins when Rose comes back f
Old Melbourne Memories
These reminiscences of the early days of Melbourne—a city which, as a family, we helped to found—awakened, when first published in the columns of the Australasian, an amount of ge
Peveril of the Peak
Julian Peveril, a Cavalier, is in love with Alice Bridgenorth, a Roundhead's daughter, but both he and his father are accused of involvement with the "Popish Plot" of 1678. Most of
Cast Upon The Breakers
The boarding school of which Rodney was, as his friend expressed himself, a star pupil, was situated about fifty miles from the city of New York. It was under the charge of Dr. Sampson, a tall, thin
Among the River Pirates
The shabby old motor boat moved slowly up the river towing an equally shabby old barge. Dilapidated and unpainted as the hull was, the engine was well muffled—suspiciously well muffled&