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Little Brother
I wrote Little Brother in a white-hot fury between May 7, 2007 and July 2,2007: exactly eight weeks from the day I thought it up to the day I fin-ished it (Alice, to whom this book is dedicated, had
The Girl Scouts' Canoe Trip
At a peaceful spot along the Silver Creek, where the water was so still that it seemed to belong rather to a lake than to a stream, five new canoes lay upturned on the shore. Their long, graceful cur
Angel of Terror
The hush of the court, which had been broken when the foreman of the jury returned their verdict, was intensified as the Judge, with a quick glance over his pince-nez at the tall prisoner, marshalled
The Golden Circle 黄金圈
“You’ll be entirely out of luck if you don’t lie right down and go to sleep!” Florence Huyler, her pal, exclaimed, making a significant gesture toward a sofa p
Carl The Trailer
This conversation took place between Col. Dodge, the commander of a small fort situated Page 2 on the outskirts of the Standing Rock Agency, and his commissary, who had come in to report the conditio
With Mask and Mitt
If, for the beginning of this story, the reader finds himself carried back to the middle of "In the Line," let him not suspect a twice-told tale. The current of school life runs swi
The New Spirit
No alterations have been made in this edition. It is true that three of the figures here studied were living when the book was written; but their genius had matured, their work was for the most part
Nothing of Importance
John Bernard Pye Adams was born on November 15th, 1890, at Beckenham, Kent. From his first school at Clare House, Beckenham, he obtained an entrance scholarship to Malvern, where he gained many Class
The Black Ghost of the Highway
The roads at the crossing were wide and smooth, with cool woods on either side, but beyond them to the left rose the high, jagged, yellow-and-black mass of the mountains, bare on their upper reaches,
Candide: Or, Optimism
With its vibrant new translation, perceptive introduction, and witty packaging, this new edition of Voltaires masterpiece belongs in the hands of every reader pondering our assumptions about human be
The House Of Dreams-Come-True
THE great spaces of the hall seemed to slope away into impenetrable gloom; velvet darkness deepening imperceptibly into sable density of panelled wall; huge, smoke-blackened beams, stretching wide ar
Uglies 丑人儿
2005年,Scott发表了作品《丑人儿》(Uglies)。作品虚构了一个表面繁华美丽的New Pretty Town,这里的人们全都优雅美丽,生活富足快乐,过着无忧无虑的生活。所有的青少年只需在年满16岁时接受一次全身整容手术,即可拥有明星般的外貌和美好的生活。在这一看似充满诱惑力的“成人仪式”背后,潜藏着的却是权力机构不可告人的阴谋。然而,并不是所有人
Letter That Have Helped Me
In the Path for May, 1887, we find these words: "We need a literature, not solely for highly intellectual persons, but of a more simple character, which attempts to appeal to ordinary common
The Abysmal Brute
Sam Stubener ran through his mail carelessly and rapidly. As became a manager of prize-fighters, he was accustomed to a various and bizarre correspondence. Every crank, sport, near sport, and reforme
Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom
I lived long enough to see the cure for death; to see the rise of the BitchunSociety, to learn ten languages; to compose three symphonies; to realizemy boyhood dream of taking up residence in Disney