- The Cat and the Fox免费
- The City Rat and the Country Rat免费
- The Ploughman and His Sons免费
- The Fox, the Wolf, and the Horse免费
- The Woodman and Mercury免费
- The Eagle and the Owl免费
- The Earthen Pot and the Iron Pot免费
- The Wolf and the Lean Dog免费
- The Ears of the Hare免费
- The Ass Carrying Relics免费
- The Two Mules免费
- The Lion and the Gnat免费
- The Countryman and the Serpent免费
- The Dairywoman and the Pot of Milk免费
- The Monkey and the Cat免费
- The Lioness and the Bear免费
- The Cat and the Two Sparrows免费
- The Sick Stag免费
- The Wolf and the Fox免费
- The Woods and the Woodman免费
- The Shepherd and the Lion免费
- The Animals Sick of the Plague免费
- The Fowler, the Hawk, and the Lark免费
- Phoebus and Boreas免费
- The Stag and the Vine免费
- The Peacock Complaining to Juno免费
- The Eagle and the Beetle免费
- The Bee and the Cuckoo免费
- The Rope Dancer and His Pupil免费
- The Squirrel and the Horse免费
- The Bear, the Monkey, and the Pig免费
- The Muff, the Fan, and the Parasol免费
- The Duck and the Serpent免费
- The Tea and the Sage免费
- The Swan and the Linnet免费
- The Flint and the Steel免费
- The Monkey Who Had Seen the World免费
- The Shepherd's Dog and the Wolf免费
- The Rat-catcher and Cats免费
- The Farmer's Wife and the Raven免费
- The Council of Horses免费
- The Hare and Many Friends免费
- The Nightingale and the Glowworm免费
- The Raven免费
- Moral免费
- Pairing Time Anticipated免费
- The Poet, the Oyster, and Sensitive Plant免费
- The Pineapple and the Bee免费
- Amelia and the Spider免费