The Castle of Adventure 布莱顿少年冒险团2,古堡的神秘来客
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点击: 259 次
更新: 2024-03-13 23:11:07
What is the secret of the old castle on the hill, and why are the locals so afraid of it? When flashing lights are seen in a distant tower, Philip, Dinah, Lucy-Ann, and Jack decide to investigate and
The Castle of Adventure 布莱顿少年冒险团2,古堡的神秘来客转载自网络,转载至本站只是为了让更多读者阅读欣赏,本站愿与您一起共建良好的阅读环境!
What is the secret of the old castle on the hill, and why are the locals so afraid of it? When flashing lights are seen in a distant tower, Philip, Dinah, Lucy-Ann, and Jack decide to investigate and discover a very sinister plot concealed within its hidden rooms and gloomy underground passages.
The Castle of Adventure 布莱顿少年冒险团2,古堡的神秘来客转载自网络,转载至本站只是为了让更多读者阅读欣赏,本站愿与您一起共建良好的阅读环境!
- 1 Now for the holidays!
- 第1章 放假了
- 2 The boys come home – and Kiki!
- 第2章 男孩们回家了——还有琪琪
- 3 Settling in at Spring Cottage
- 第3章 安顿下来
- 4 Tassie and Button
- 第4章 塔西和小纽扣
- 5 The way to the castle