
The Story of King Arthur and his Knights

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so endeth this volume wherein hath been told, with every circumstance of narration, the history of those three worthies who were of the court of king arthur.

and now, if god will give me the grace to do so, i will some time, at no very great time from this, write the further history of sundry other knights and worthies of whom i have not yet spoken.

and among the first of these shall be sir launcelot, whom all the world knoweth to have been the greatest knight in prowess of arms of any who has lived, excepting sir galahad, who was his son. and i shall tell you the story of sir ewaine and sir geraint, and of sir percival and of sundry others.

but of this another time. for now, with great regret i bid you adieu and bring this history unto a close.

so may god grant us to come together at another time with such happiness and prosperity that you may have a free and untroubled heart to enjoy the narrated history of those excellent men which i shall then set before you. amen.

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