Emily of New Moon新月艾米莉
Emily of New Moon新月艾米莉
字数: 347489字
点击: 123 次
更新: 2024-02-07 11:00:53

THE house in the hollow was “a mile from anywhere”—so Maywood people said. It was situated in a grassy little dale, looking as if it had never been built like other hous

Emily of New Moon新月艾米莉转载自网络,转载至本站只是为了让更多读者阅读欣赏,本站愿与您一起共建良好的阅读环境!


THE house in the hollow was “a mile from anywhere”—so Maywood people said. It was situated in a grassy little dale, looking as if it had never been built like other houses but had grown up there like a big, brown mushroom. It was reached by a long, green lane and almost hidden from view by an encircling growth of young birches. No other house could be seen from it although the village was just over the hill. Ellen Greene said it was the lonesomest place in the world and vowed that she wouldn’t stay there a day if it wasn’t that she pitied the child.

Emily of New Moon新月艾米莉转载自网络,转载至本站只是为了让更多读者阅读欣赏,本站愿与您一起共建良好的阅读环境!


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