叶可梁 字肖鹤。年三十八岁。生于福州。本籍住址。福州塔巷。已婚。初学于福州英华书院。上海圣芳济书院及圣约翰大学。任福州高等学堂教员。及福州洋务局翻译。光緖三十一年。自费游美。入康奈尔大学。习农业。光緖三十四年。得学士学位。宣统元年。得硕士学位。入米西根矿业学校。习冶金科。为世界会及某辩论会会员。宣统元年。回国。宣统二年。任京师名词馆分纂。兼北京日报主笔。宣统三年。任农科大学校长。兼外交部佥事。民国四年。任驻美使馆二等秘书。授翰林院编修。给予三等文虎章。五等嘉禾章。现时通信处。北京东铁匠胡同四号。
yih, koliang.-born in foochow, 1879. married. studied at anglo-chinese college, foochow, 1897-9; at st. xavier's college, shanghai, 1899-1900; at st. john's university, shanghai, 1900-2. instructor, foochow college, and interpretor, bureau of foreign affairs. foochow, 1902-4. arrived in america, may, 1905. private support. studied agriculture at cornell university, 1905-9; metallurgy at michigan college of mines, 1909. b.a.s., 1908; m.a., 1909. member: cosmopolitan club, 1905-9; francis miles finch debating club, 1906-8. returned to china, december, 1909. member, bureau of terminology, peking, 1910-11. editor, peking daily news, 1910-12. director, agricultural college, peking, 1911-13. senior clerk, ministry of foreign affairs, 1911-14. second secretary to chinese legation at washington, 1915 to date. chin shih and han lin. fifth class chia ho and third class wen hu decorations.