裘昌运 字昌运。年二十八岁。生于江苏无锡。父葆良。本籍住址。江苏无锡县城内沙巷。已婚。初毕业于苏州东吴大学。得学士学位。宣统元年。以官费游美。入威立斯登学校。宣统二年。入威斯康心大学。习农业。宣统三年。入卜渡大学。民国二年。得学士学位。入哥仑比亚大学。习商业。为中部留美学生分会会长。留美学生会会长。民国三年回国。任全国煤油矿督办处事。民国五年。任工商委员会书记。又任参议院英文秘书。现时通信处。北京东城大土地庙二十四号。
chiu, chang-yueng.-born in wusih, kiangsu, 1899. studied at soochow university, 1902-9. a.b., 1909. arrived in america, september, 1909. government support. prepared for college at williston seminary, 1909-10. studied agriculture at the university of wisconsin, 1909-10 and purdue university, 1911-13: commerce at columbia university, 1913-14. b.s., 1913. chairman, chinese students' conference, mid-west section, 1911-12. president, chinese students' alliance, 1912-13. returned to china, august, 1914. member, national oil administration, 1914-16. secretary, industrial and commercial commission, 1916. english secretary, the senate, 1916 to date.