曹芳芸女士 年四十六岁。生于江苏苏州。弟锡庚。上海靑年会干事。永久通信处。上海狄思威路五十一号。初学于苏州教会女学校。及上海中西女塾。光緖二十三年。自费游美。入哥特学校。光緖二十八年回国。任上海中西女塾教员。光緖三十三年。重游美洲。入威尔斯来大学。习理科。宣统元年。入哥仑比亚大学师范科。宣统三年。得学士学位。以学绩得金牌奖。是年回国。任上海中西女塾教员。民国二年。任上海靑年会教育部长。民国三年。任浙江湖州女学教员。为女靑年会。及威尔来斯会会员。现时通信处。上海倍开尔路一千五百四十一号。
tsao, faung-yuin (miss).-born in soochow, 1871. studied at clopton lambeth school, shanghai, 1883-85; at mission girls' school, soo-chow, 1885-86; at mctyeire school, shanghai, 1892-97. arrived in america, september, 1897. private support. studied at cottey college, 1897-1902. returned to china, 1902. teacher, mctyeire school, shanghai, 1902-7. revisited america, 1907. studied science at wellesley college, 1907-9; at columbia university, 1909-11. b.s., 1911. awarded a gold medal for high scholarship, may, 1902. returned to china, 1911. teacher in science, mctyiere school, shanghai, 1911-12. educational director, y.m.c.a., shanghai, 1912-14. teacher in science, virginia school, huchow, 1914-15. member: y.m.c.a., 1911; wellesley club, 1913.