梅贻琦 字月涵。年二十八岁。生于天津。父伯忱。任盐务事。本籍住址。天津古楼西板桥胡同。未婚。初学于天津南开学校及直隶高等学堂。宣统元年。以官费游美。入瓦思特实业学校。民国三年。得学士学位。被选入某名誉学会。为留美学生会书记。瓦思特世界会会长。瓦思特靑年会会计。中国学生基督教会会计。留美学生月报经理。又在某公司化验科实习。民国三年。回国。任天津靑年会学生部书记。民国四年。任淸华学校教员。现时通信处。北京淸华学校。
mei, y. c.-born in tientsin, 1889. studied at nankai school, tien-tsin, 1904-8; at chihli provincial college, paoting, 1908-9. arrived in america, november, 1909. government support. studied electrical engineering at worcester polytechnic institute, 1909-14. b.s., 1914. elected to sigma xi, june, 1914. secretary, chinese students' alliance, 1912-13. president, worcester cosmopolitan club, 1913-14. treasurer, w.p.i.y.m.c.a., 1913-15. treasurer, chinese students' christian association, 1913-14. manager, chinese students' monthly, 1913-14. was with the testing department, general electric co., schenectady, summer, 1913. returned to china, august, 1914. student secretary, y.m.c.a., tientsin, 1914-15. teacher of mathematics, tsing hua college, 1915 to date.