陆元昌 字沅卿。年二十七岁。生于江苏武进。叔稼轩。业医。本籍通信处。江苏常州鹤园弄陆宅。已婚。子一。初学于苏州铁路学堂。英文专修馆。及上海南洋公学。宣统二年。以官费游美。入康奈尔大学。习土木工程。民国三年。得土木工程师学位。曾充本薛文尼省铁路分局工程师。民国三年。回国。民国四年。任南京河海工程专门学校教员。又任上海美孚煤油公司建筑副工程师。为中国科学会会员。现时通信处。上海北浙江路寗安坊六号。
loh, yuen-chang.-born in wuchin, kiangsu, 1890. married, 1915. studied at soochow railway college, soochow, 1906-7; at soochow literary college, soochow, 1907; at nanyang college, shanghai, 1909-10. arrived in america, august, 1910. government support. studied civil engineering at cornell university, 1910-14. c.e., 1914. engineer, division engineer's office, pennsylvania railroad company, 1914. returned to china, december, 1914. professor, waterways engineering college, nanking, 1915. assistant superintendent, standard oil co. of new york, shanghai, 1915 to date. member, science society, 1916.