张廷金 字贡九。年三十岁。生于江苏无锡。已婚。永久通信处。上海寰球中国学生会收转。初毕业于上海南洋公学。宣统元年。以官费游美。入威斯康心大学。习电气工程。宣统三年。入鄂海阿省立大学。民国二年。得电气工程师学位。入哈佛大学。兼习商业管理法。民国三年。得电气工程师学位。为世界会会员。鄂海阿省中国学生会会长。美国电气工程师学会会员。发明电动力甚大之铅电池。曾在波士顿之爱迭生公司。充学习工程师。民国四年。回国。任上海南洋公学教员。为江苏教育总会编审员。寰球中国学生会会员。中华实业界编辑。现时通信处。上海南洋公学收转。
chang, ting-chin.-born in wusih, kiangsu, 1887. married, 1909. studied at nanyang college, shanghai, 1904-9. graduated, 1909. arrived in america. october, 1909. government support. studied electrical engineer-ing at the university of wisconsin, 1910-11 and at the state university of ohio, 1911-13; electrical engineering and business administration at harvard university, 1913-15. m.e., 1913; m.e.e., 1914. member, cosmopolitan club, 1910-15. president, ohio state chinese students' club, 1912-13. as-sociate member, american institute of electrical engineers, 1913. inverted high voltage lead storage battery. manager, chinese students' monthly, 1913-15. student engineer, boston edison co., 1914-15. returned to
china, july, 1915. instructor, nanyang college, 1915 to date. member, world's chinese students' federation and standing committee of the kiang-su educational association, 1916. editor, chung hua industrial magazine, 1916 to date.