殷源之 字伯泉。年二十六岁。年于安徽合肥。父孟乔。任教员。本籍通信处。安徽合肥县中学校前面。已婚。初学于庐州府中学堂。安徽高等学堂。江南高等学堂。宣统二年。以官费游美。入麻省工业学校。民国三年。得学士学位。为留美学生会会员及会计。民国四年。回国。任北京中华大学教员。及督办兵工事务处办事员。现时通信处。北京棉花九条十一号。
ying, y. t.-born in ho-fei, anhui, 1891. studied at anhui provincial college, anching, and kiangnan college, nanking. arrived in america, september, 1910. government support. studied mechanical engineering at massachusetts institute of technology, 1910-15. s.b., 1914. member, chinese students' alliance, 1910-15 and treasurer, 1914-15. returned to china, august, 1915. teacher, chung hua university, peking and member, arsenal administration, peking, 1915 to date.