唐恩良 字蜀眉。年三十五岁。生于山东靑州。本籍住址。山东靑州北城。已婚。子二。女一。初学于山东高等学堂。毕业。任该校助教。民国元年。以官费游美。入科罗拉多矿业学校。民国二年。入卜渡大学。习土木工程。民国五年。得学士学位。为卜渡中国学生会。及世界会会员。留美学生季报编辑。民国五年回国。现时通信处。山东济南新街广智院。
tong, en-liang.-born in chingchow, shantung, 1882. married, 1905. studied at shantung provincial college, tsinan, 1904-10. graduated, 1910. assistant instructor in english and mathematics, shan-tung provincial college, 1911-12. arrived in america, december, 1912. government support. studied mining engineering at colorado school of mines, 1913; civil eugineering at purdue university, 1913-16. b.s., 1916. member and once officer, purdue chinese students' club and cosmopolitan club, 1913-16. editor, chinese students' quarterly, 1915-16. returned to china, december, 1916.