胡继贤 字志道。年二十六岁。生于广州。已婚。初学于广州育材书社及岭南学校。宣统二年。以官费游美。入米西根大学。习政治学。民国三年。得学士学位。入哥仑比亚大学。民国四年。回国。任广州岭南学校经济学及英文教员。为广东留学生会会员。中国南方运动会会员。岭南季报编辑。住址。广州龙溪新街三十三号。
wu, kai-yin.-born in canton, 1891. married. studied at yu tsai school, canton, 1904-6; at canton christian college, 1906-10. graduated from canton christian college, 1909. arrived in america, september, 1910. government support. studied political science at the university of mich-igan, 1910-14: at columbia university, 1914-15. b.a., 1914. returned to china, july, 1915. teacher of economics and english, canton christian college, canton. member, club concordia and south china athletic associ-ation, 1915. editor, canton christian college quarterly, 1915-16.