胡章 字乐溥。年二十七岁。生于广东。父永烜。业商。本籍住址。广东石龙沙边街万隆号。已婚。子二。初学于两广高等学堂。及两广游学预备科。光緖三十四年。自费游美。入彭斯预备学校。宣统元年。入加利佛尼大学。习机器工程。宣统二年。入威斯康心大学。习化学工程。民国二年。入埃瓦大学。得学士学位。为世界会会员。民国二年回国。任广东高等学堂教员。民国三年。任广东高等师范学校数学教员。兼任宏兴制革公司总理。为广东留学生会会员。现时通信处。广州河南太平坊宏兴公司。
woo, chang.-born in satlung, kwangtung, 1890. married, 1913. studied at liangkwang college, canton, 1908. arrived in america, january, 1908. private support. prepared for college at boonse's school, 1908-9. studied mechanical engineering at the university of california, 1909-10; chemical engineering at the university of wisconsin, 1910-12 and at the university of iowa, 1912-13. b.e., 1913. member, cosmopolitan club, 1912-13. returned to china, august, 1913. teacher, kwangtung college, canton, 1913-14. teacher of mathematics, government teachers' college and superintendent, fang hing tannery, canton, 1914 to date. member, club concordia, 1915.